Guidelines for Abstract Submission
- All abstracts should be typed in WORD for WINDOWS, Times New Roman font, size 12.
- Length: 1500 characters/200 words.
- The abstracts should comprise:
Title: maximum 10 words in capital letters, bold
Author (s): type the author(s) name(s), surname(s) and initials with the presenting author’s name underlined and after each name put number, corresponding to the institution, city and country of the author (s).
Content: The abstract should contain a brief description of the purpose of the study, methods, results and conclusions.
- Abstracts should be sent:
via e-mail:
via post mail: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rositza Vatcheva-Dobrevski, NRC-VBI, National Centre of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, 26 Yanko Sakazov Blvd, 1504 Sofia, Bulgaria
Please include name, position and department, institution and contact information (mail, phone and e-mail) of the presenting author.
The Organizing Committee has the right to determine the type of the presentation: oral report or poster. It will let you know in advance.